Mathematics for Computer Science


Exercise 5.1. In the 1700’s, the city of Königsberg was divided by the river Pregel into four parts: a northern region, a southern region, and two islands. These regions were connected by seven bridges, drawn in red in the map below.

(A map of Königsberg, c. 1730. Source: Wikipedia)

These bridges were particularly beautiful pieces of architecture, and so when people would offer tours of the city they would try to take tourists across each bridge to show it off. However, tour guides at the time noticed that no matter how they could construct their walks around the city, they’d always either miss a bridge or have to double a few bridges up: they could never find a “perfect” tour that crossed each bridge exactly once.

Can you find such a tour? That is: can you come up with a walk through the city that starts and ends at the same place, and walks over each bridge exactly once?

Exercise 5.2. You’re a civil engineer! Suppose that you have a set of buildings, and you want to hook up each of these buildings to the city’s utilities, namely water, gas, and electricity.

However, your city is very earthquake-prone. As a safety precaution, they’ve asked that no two utilities are allowed to vertically “cross over” each other: that is, you can’t have water mains running beneath the gas mains, or gas pipes running above the electricity wires. So, for example, while the configuration drawn below wouldn’t work for two buildings, the right one would!

Can you connect three buildings to your utilities? Or is this impossible?__

Graph Theory

The field of graph theory originally started as a branch of “recreational mathematics,” and specifically as the puzzle in Exercise 5.1. Until the 1900’s, people viewed graph theory as a branch of mathematics used to solve riddles similar to the Konigsburg bridge problem, such as the following:

(A solution to the dodecahedron puzzle! Source: Wikipedia)

In recent years, however, mathematicians and computer scientists have transformed graph theory into one of the most applicable fields of mathematics in existence. Its power to describe networks has made it the perfect tool for studying many problems in the modern world; graphs can be used to model the internet, social networks, the spread of diseases through a population, travel, computer chip design, and countless other phenomena. Graphs are everywhere in the modern world, and their analysis is key to solving many of the most important problems of the 21st century.

In these notes, we’ll start by building up some definitions that will let us talk about graphs and their properties; from there, we’ll describe how to model various real-life objects with graphs, and then transition to solving a few real-life problems with graphs. This is (as with everything in this class) just the tip of the iceberg; if you want to see more, take papers like Compsci 225 and Maths 326!

We start with an intuitive definition of a graph:

Definition 5.1.Link copied Intuitively, a graph is just a way of modeling a collection of objects and the connections between them.

Example 5.1. For example, all of the following objects can be thought of as graphs:

If Definition 5.1 above feels a bit too informal for you, here’s a more precise way to describe a graph:

For simplicty’s sake, we will use the word `“graph” to refer to a simple undirected loopless graph, and assume that all graphs are simple undirected loopless graphs unless we explicitly say otherwise.

Definition 5.2.Link copied A simple undirected loopless graph GG consists of two things: a collection VV of vertices, and another collection EE of edges, which we think of as distinct unordered pairs of distinct elements in VV . We think of the vertices in a graph as the objects we’re studying, and the edges in a graph as a way to describe how those objects are connected. To describe an edge connecting a pair of vertices a,ba,b in our graph GG , we use our set language from earlier and write this as {a,b}\{a,b\} . We say that aa and bb are the endpoints of the edge {a,b}\{a,b\} when this happens.

Example 5.2. The following describes a graph GG :

Given a graph G=(V,E)G = (V,E) , we can visualize GG by drawing its vertices as points on a piece of paper, and its edges as connections between those points.

Several ways of drawing the graph GG defined above are drawn at right. Notice that there are many ways to draw the same graph! Also note that edges don’t have to be straight lines, and that we allow them to cross.

In general, it is often much easier to describe a graph by drawing it rather than listing its vertices and edges one-by-one. Wherever we can, we’ll describe graphs by drawing pictures; we encourage you to do the same!

Here’s a few examples of graphs, described with this vertex+edge language:

Example 5.3.

You can visualize this with a graph! Make a vertex for each flatmate, and a vertex for each task. Then, connect flatmates to their preferred tasks with edges. With this, a “good” way to divide up tasks is to find a “matching:” that is, a way to pick out four edges in our graph, such that every person and every task is in exactly one edge (so that the work is divided!) Such a matching is highlighted in the graph at right.

Just as there are many different ways to model the connections between a set of objects, there are other notions of graphs beyond that of a simple graph. Here are some such definitions:

Definition 5.3.Link copied A simple graph with loops is just like a simple graph GG , except we no longer require the pairs of elements in EE to be distinct; that is, we can have things like {v,v}E\{v,v\} \in E . A multigraph is a simple graph, except we allow ourselves to repeat edges in EE multiple times; i.e. we could have three distinct edges e1,e2,e3Ee_1, e_2, e_3 \in E with each equal to the same pair {x,y}\{x,y\} . A directed graph is a simple graph, except we think of our edges as ordered pairs: i.e. we have things like xyEx \to y \in E , not {x,y}\{x,y\}

You can mix-and-match these definitions: you can have a directed graph with loops, or a multigraph with loops but not directions, or pretty much anything else you’d want!

Remark 5.1. In this course, we’ll assume that the word graph means simple undirected graph without loops unless explicitly stated otherwise.

There are a handful of graphs that come up frequently in computer science and mathematics, are worth giving specific names. We describe a few of these graphs here:

Definition 5.4.Link copied The complete graph on nn vertices KnK_n is defined for any positive integer nn as follows: take nn vertices. Now, take every possible pair of distinct vertices, and connect them with an edge! We draw several examples. In this sense, a complete graph is a graph in which we have as many edges as is possible for a graph on nn vertices.

Definition 5.5.Link copied The complete bipartite graph on m,nm,n vertices Km,nK_{m,n} is defined for any two positive integers m,nm,n as follows: take m+nm+n vertices. Split them into two groups, one of size mm and one of size nn . Then, for every pair of vertices {a,b}\{a,b\} where aa is from the mm group and bb is from the nn group, connect aa to bb . These graphs have no edges connecting any two members from the “same” group, but have all of the possible “crossing” edges going from one group to the other.

Definition 5.6.Link copied The cycle graph on nn vertices CnC_n is defined for any integer n3n \geq 3 as follows: take nn vertices, and label them 1,2,n1,2, \ldots n . Now, draw edges {1,2}\{1,2\} ,{2,3}\{2,3\} , \ldots until you get to the last edge {n1,n}\{n-1, n\} ; then connect this up into a closed cycle by drawing {n,1}\{n, 1\} as an edge as well.

To practice all of this graph theory language, let’s try solving one of our exercises!

Answer to Exercise 5.2. You cannot solve the utility problem!

To see why, let’s use the language of graph theory. Make each of our three buildings into vertices; as well, make each of the three utilities into vertices. If we connect each building to each utility, notice that we’ve created the graph K3,3!K_{3,3}!

We claim that K3,3K_{3,3} cannot be drawn without any edges crossing, and thus that this puzzle cannot be solved. To see why this is true, let’s use the “contradiction” technique we used above.

Think about what a solution would look like. In particular, notice that K3,3K_{3,3} contains a “hexagon,” i.e. a C6C_6 , as drawn below. Therefore, in any drawing of K3,3K_{3,3} , we will have to draw this cycle C6C_6 first.

Because this cycle is a closed loop, it separates space into an “inside” and an “outside.” Therefore, if we are drawing K3,3K_{3,3} without edges crossing, after drawing the C6C_6 part, any remaining edge will have to either be drawn entirely “inside” the C6C_6 or “outside” the C6C_6 . That is, we can’t have an edge cross from inside to outside or vice-versa, because that would involve us crossing over pre-existing edges.

Therefore, if we have a crossing-free drawing of K3,3K_{3,3} , after we draw the C6C_6 part of this graph, when we go to draw the {d,c}\{d,c\} edge we have two options: either draw this edge entirely on the inside of our C6C_6 , or entirely on the outside.

If we draw this edge on the inside, then on the inside the vertices ff and aa are separated by this edge; therefore, to draw the edge {a,f}\{a,f\} we must go around the outside. Similarly, if we draw this edge on the outside, then a,fa,f are separated from each other on any outside walk, and the edge {a,f}\{a,f\} must be drawn inside of the hexagon.

In either of these cases, notice that there is no walk that can be drawn from bb to ee on either the inside or the outside! Therefore we cannot draw our last edge {b,e}\{b,e\} without having a crossing, and thus have a contradiction to our claim that such a crossing-free drawing of K3,3K_{3,3} was possible.

Graphs: Useful Concepts

In the above section, we saw how some of the language of graph theory could help us solve problems. In this section, we explore a number of other definitions and concepts that can come in handy!

Definition 5.7.Link copied Take a graph GG . We say that two vertices a,ba,b in GG are adjacent if the edge {a,b}\{a,b\} is in GG . We say that aa and bb are neighbors if they are adjacent.

Example 5.4. If we look at the flatmate graph from Example 5.3. above, we can see that the vertices “You” and “Paint” are adjacent, but that “You” and “Furniture” are not adjacent. Similarly, “Aang” and “Cook” are adjacent, but “Aang” and “Zuko” are not adjacent.

Notice that adjacency is just a property of individual edges! Even though we drew the Aang and Zuko vertices next to each other on our graph, we did not connect them with an edge, so they are not connected. As well, even though you can go from “You” to “Furniture” by using the multiple-edge walk

You \to Paint \to Korra \to Furniture,

you cannot go from “You” to “Furniture” with a single edge, and so these vertices are not adjacent.

It is often useful to be able to refer to all of the neighbors of a vertex: in this graph, for instance, “Korra” is neighbors with “Paint” and “Furniture.”

Definition 5.8.Link copied Take a graph GG , and a vertex vv in GG . We say that the degree of vv , written deg(v)\deg(v) , is the number of edges that contain vv as an endpoint.

Example 5.5. In the graph with red vertices drawn below, the vertex aa has degree 0, the vertex bb has degree 1, the vertices dd and ee have degree 2, and the vertex cc has degree 3.

Notice that a vertex can have degree 0: i.e. it is possible to have a vertex with no edges! This will often represent an “isolated” object in our graph: i.e. something without any connections to our wider graph.

Exercise 5.3. A bit more practice with the concept of degree: convince yourself of the following claims!

To practice these concepts, let’s try writing a few arguments:

Claim 5.1.Link copied (The “degree-sum formula,” or “handshaking theorem.“) Take any graph GG . Then, the sum of the degrees of all of the vertices in GG is always two times the number of edges in GG .

Proof. We can prove this by “counting” the number of times vertices in our graph show up as endpoints of edges in our graph. Notice that we could do this in two different ways:

However, both of these ways were counting the same thing! Therefore, we know that the answer we got from (1) must be the same as the answer we got in (2). In other words, the sum of degrees of vertices in our graph must be twice the number of edges, as claimed.


Example 5.6. In the graph at right, we have four vertices of degree 2, five vertices of degree 3, and one vertex of degree 5. Therefore, the sum of degrees in this graph is 42+53+15=284 \cdot 2 + 5 \cdot 3 + 1 \cdot 5 = 28 .

Claim 5.1 says that this should be twice the number of edges; i.e. that this graph should have 14 edges. This is true: count them by hand!

This formula comes up often in graph theory, especially when trying to show that certain types of graphs are “impossible!” Consider the following result:

Claim 5.2.Link copied You cannot have a graph on seven vertices in which the degree of every vertex is 3.

Proof. Before reading this proof, try to show this yourself: that is, take pen and paper, and try to draw a graph on seven vertices where all of the degrees are 3!

In doing so, we make two claims:

However, if we use the degree-sum formula, we claim that this problem is quite simple! We start by using a principle that’s served us well in many prior problems: let’s suppose that our claim is somehow false, and it is possible to have a graph GG on seven vertices in which all degrees are 3.

The degree-sum formula, when applied to GG , tells us that the sum of the degrees in GG must be twice the number of edges. Because all of the degrees in GG are 3 and there are seven vertices, we know that this degree sum is just 37=213 \cdot 7 = 21 .

Therefore, we must have that two times the number of edges in our graph is 21. That is, we have 10.510.5 edges \ldots which is impossible, because edges come in whole-number quantities! (I.e. you either have an edge {a,b}\{a,b\} or you don’t: there is no “half” of an edge {a\fbox{\{a} in a simple graph.)

Therefore, such a graph GG cannot exist, as the number of edges required for such a graph GG is impossible to construct. In other words, no graphs exist on seven vertices in which all degrees are 3!


Walks and Connectedness

In several of the examples we looked at earlier, the idea of a walk through a graph was an incredibly useful one:

In this setting, our goal is to find a walk through this graph that uses every edge exactly once, and starts + ends at the same place.

As such, we should come up with a definition for what a “walk” is in a graph:

Definition 5.9.Link copied _In a graph GG , we define a walk of length nn as any sequence of nn edges from GG of the form
{v0,v1},{v1,v2},{v2,v3},,{vn1,vn}.\{v_0, v_1\}, \{v_1, v_2\}, \{v_2, v_3\}, \ldots , \{v_{n-1}, v_n\}.

We say that this walk starts at v0v_0 and ends at vn.v_n.

We say that a walk is a circuit or closed walk if it starts where it ends; i.e. if v0=vnv_0 =v_n .

We say that a walk is a path if it does not repeat any vertices. A walk is a cycle if the first and last vertex of this walk are the same and all of the others are distinct.

We often describe a walk by just listing its vertices in order: i.e.

v0v1v2vn1vnv_0 \to v_1 \to v_2 \to \ldots \to v_{n-1} \to v_n

is a valid way to describe a walk.

Example 5.7. In the graph below, the following sequences are walks from ee to gg :

Notice that walks can repeat edges and vertices!

A useful property that graphs can have, related to this concept of walks, is being connected:

Definition 5.10.Link copied Given a graph GG , we say that GG is connected if for every pair of vertices a,ba,b in GG , there is a path from aa to bb in GG .

Example 5.8. The boxed graph below is not connected, as there is no path from aa to bb in this graph. The one at right, however, is connected, as there is a path from any vertex to any other vertex.

In many applications, we’ll want to find the shortest path between two objects: i.e. in a transit graph you’ll want to find the path with the shortest possible length, or in the internet graph you’ll want to find the path with the lowest total ping. To capture this idea, we’ll often want to attach weights to the edges of our graph, to represent paths that are physically longer / more expensive to use / etc. We do this as follows:

Definition 5.11.Link copied An edge-weighted graph GG is a graph GG along with a function ff that assigns every edge a number.

Example 5.9. A map of the South Island of New Zealand is drawn below. We can turn this into a graph by replacing each region with a vertex, and connecting two regions if they border each other.

With this done, we can turn this graph into a weighted graph by labelling each edge with the total amount of time it would take you to drive from the largest city in one region to the largest city in the next region. This gives us the graph below:

In graphs like this, we’ll often solve problems like the following:

Example 5.10. Suppose that you’re a traveling salesman. In particular, you’re traveling the South Island, and trying to sell rugby tickets for nine rugby teams there (one for each region in the map above.)

You want to start and finish in Mid-Canterbury, and visit each other region exactly once to sell tickets in it. What circuit can you take through these cities that minimizes your total travel time, while still visiting each city exactly once?

Without knowing any mathematics, you’d probably guess that the shortest route is to just go around the perimeter of the island. Intuitively, at the least, this makes sense: avoiding the southern alps is probably a good way to save time!

In real life, however, maps can get a lot messier than this. Consider a map of all of the airports in the world, or even just in New Zealand.

(Publicly-available Air New Zealand map sourced from Airline Route Maps)

If you were an Air New Zealand representative and wanted to visit each airport, how would you do so in the shortest amount of time and still return home to Auckland?

In general: suppose you have nn cities C1,CnC_1, \ldots C_n that you need to visit for work, and you’re trying to come up with an order to visit them in that’s the fastest. For each pair of cities {Ci,Cj}\{C_i, C_j\} , assume that you know the time it takes to travel from CiC_i to CjC_j . How can you find the cheapest way to visit each city exactly once, so that you start and end at the same place?

These sorts of tasks are known as traveling salesman problems, and companies all over the world solve them daily to move pilots, cargo, and people to where they need to be. Given that it’s a remarkably practical problem, you’d think that we’d have a good solution to this problem by now, right?

… not so much. Finding a “quick” solution (i.e. one with non-exponential runtime) to the traveling salesman problem is an open problem in theoretical computer science; if you could do this, you would solve a problem that’s stumped mathematicians for nearly a century, advance mathematics and computer science into a new golden age, and quite likely go down in history as one of the greatest minds of the millenium.

This is a fancy way of saying “this problem is really hard.” So: why mention it here? Well: in computer science in general, and graph theory in particular, we often find ourselves having to solve problems that don’t have known good or efficient algorithms. Despite this, people expect us to find answers anyways: so it’s useful to know how to find “good enough” solutions in cases like this!

For the traveling salesman problem, one brute-force approach you could use to find the answer could be coded like this:

Algorithm 5.9. Init: Take our graph GG , containing nn vertices. Let ss be the vertex we start and end at. Let cc be a cost function, that given any edge {x,y}\{x,y\} in GG outputs the cost of traveling along that edge.

Points in favor of this algorithm: it works! Also, it’s not too hard to code (try it!)

Points against this algorithm: if you were trying to visit 25 cities in a week, it would take the world’s fastest supercomputer over ten thousand years to answer your problem. (If you were trying to visit 75 cities, the heat death of the universe occurs before this algorithm is likely to terminate.)

This is because the algorithm needs us to consider every possible order of the nn vertices in GG to complete. There are (n1)!=(n1)(n2)(n3)321(n-1)! = (n-1)\cdot (n-2) \cdot (n-3) \cdot \ldots \cdot 3 \cdot 2 \cdot 1 many ways in which we can order our nn cities, and the factorial function grows incredibly quickly, as we saw before!

To see why, think about how you’d make an ordering of the cities. You’d start by choosing a city to travel to from ss : there are n1n-1 choices here, as we can possibly go anywhere other than ss . From there, we have n2n-2 choices for our second city, and then n3n-3 for our third city, and so on/so forth!

Another approach (which, as authors who would like to book their travel before the heat death of the universe, we are in favor of) is to use randomness to solve this problem! Consider the following algorithm:

Algorithm 5.10. Init: Take our graph GG , starting vertex ss , and cost function cc just like before.

Points against this algorithm: strictly speaking, it probably won’t work. That is: we’re just repeatedly randomly picking path and measuring their length. There’s no guarantee that we’ll ever pick the “shortest” path!

Points in favor of this algorithm: it’s easy to code, it’s really fast, and if you only care about just getting close-ish to the right answer it’s actually not too bad in many situations!

In particular there are lots of tweaks you can apply here to make this pretty decent in most cases, while still keeping it fast.

In the long run, it’s probably better if your phone gives you slightly suboptimal directions in a second rather than taking two years to find the absolute best walk to the Countdown, so in general this is probably a better way to go. But in certain small situations (or times when you randomly have a supercomputer at hand) brute-force can also be the way to go: it really depends on what you’re trying to solve!

To close this section, let’s use our language of walks to answer our last remaining exercise:

Answer to Exercise 5.1. It is impossible to construct such a walk! To see why, let’s use graph theory and reduce our city of Konigsberg to a multigraph, as done earlier.

With this done, we can see that each vertex in this graph has odd degree: the three outer ones have degree 3, and the inner one has degree 5.

We claim that this means that we cannot have a circuit (i.e. a walk that starts and ends at the same place) that only uses every edge once!

To see why, we use the “assume not” / contradiction technique that has often worked for us in the past. Suppose that this graph did have a circuit that used every edge exactly once. Describe this circuit in general as follows:

{v0,v1},{v1,v2},{v2,v3},,{vn1,vn},{vn,v0}.{\{v_0,v_1\}}, {\{v_1,v_2\}}, {\{v_2,v_3\}},\ldots, {\{v_{n-1},v_n}\}, {\{v_n,v_0\}}.

Pick any vertex xx in our graph. Notice that each time xx comes up in the above circuit, it does so twice: if x=vix = v_i for some ii , it shows up in both {vi1,vi}\{v_{i-1}, v_i\} and {vi,vi+1}\{v_i, v_{i+1}\} . You can think of this as saying that each time our circuit “enters” a vertex along some edge, it must “leave” it along another edge!

As a result, any vertex xx shows up an even number of times in the circuit we’ve came up with here. As well, we assumed that this circuit contains every edge exactly once. Therefore, every vertex xx shows up in an even number of edges in our graph!

That is, deg(x)\deg(x) is even for every vertex xx .

However, we know that our graph has odd-degree vertices. This is a contradiction! Therefore, we have shown that it is impossible to solve this puzzle.

Practice Problems